Do you ever wish you could just escape for a little while, come back and everyone has forgotten?
well i do.
the one thing i could hope for right now.
i can't even sleep properly anymore.
so much streeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz.
schools just a piss take now.
works just a piss take.
the way i look is just a piss take.
yano like some people are given good genes and some are just plain ugly. well im one of the ugly people.
i wish i could turn back time.
arg I want you so bad.
right now:
*i have to put slippers on cos im blitz
*I have to write an essay, ohlapins
*I have to print fabric transfers.
*I have to face steam.
*I have to write up drama
*I have to read trainspotting
*I have to read Mrs Lazarus
*I have to read Frau Freud
*I have to get offa his myspace and stop daydreaming at his pics.
*I feel like I'm 13 going on 30.
*I have the worst headache
*I have a backache.
*I kinda have a new crush, but still crushing on the old so again it's complicated.
*My room is a tip
*I have to find My textiles folder in the tip.
*I have a decnt amount in my bank account doing fuck all and I want to spend on what I was saving for but I keep forgetting.
*I'm not unhappy.
*I'm not happy.
*I'm not unsatisfied
*I'm not satisfied.
*I'm Lonley.
*I hate valentines day!